Spectral Collage1 av Fredrik Floen

Ingri FiksdalFredrik Floen

Spectral, 01. - 06. September 2020

01. - 06. September 2020

Humans in symbiosis.

  • Price155- 320
  • StageMain stage

Dates & times

  • 01. September - 17:00
  • 02. September - 17:00
  • 03. September - 17:00
  • 04. September - 17:00
  • 05. September - 14:00
  • 05. September - 17:00
  • 06. September - 14:00
  • 06. September - 17:00

Spectral is a choreographic speculation on the co-existence between people, spaces, sound waves, adrenaline, home-made body parts, creepers, make-up, carpets, lamps, tentacles, smells, hair, plastic bags and endless mattress protectors. Living and non-living bodies merge to form new, expanded organisms that all contribute to the performances’ overarching ecosystem: a slowly moving landscape. Spectral was inspired by molluscs, water bears, the science fiction of Nnedi Okarofors, Body Troopers, Pierre Huyghe, the Mandelbrot set, jungles, landfill sites, the alien in Annihilation, damp cellars and much more.

- overdådig, men aldri for mye

[object Object]

- I ettertid er det en etterklang som sitter igjen i kroppen min, en lengsel tilbake til et saktepustende rom

[object Object]

Background material

  • FA164 B8 B 2401 4083 B4 C2 5119165 F369 C

    Om Spectral

    Koreograf Ingri Fiksdal og kostymedesigner Fredrik Floen er noen av flere scenekunstnere i dag som jobber i dialog med teori relevant for egen kunstpraksis.


  • Concept

    Ingri Fiksdal
    Fredrik Floen

  • Choreography

    Ingri Fiksdal

  • Costumes and scenography

    Fredrik Floen

  • Music

    Camilla Vatne Barrat-Due

  • Light

    Phillip Isaksen
    Ingeborg S. Olerud

  • Developed and performed by

    Alma Bø
    Mariana Suikkanen Gomes
    Hanne Frostad Håkonsen
    Duduzile Ginger Mathonsi
    Mariama Slåttøy
    Kristine Karåla Øren
    Flere ikke-mennesker

  • Vokal og trommer

    Duduzile Ginger Mathonsi

  • production and distribution

    Nicole Schuchardt

  • Production and administration

    Eva Grainger

  • Outside eye

    Marte Reithaug Sterud

  • Thanks to

    Rosalind Goldberg og May Barratt-Due

  • Photo

    Fredrik Floen

Spectral is presented by Dansens Hus in cooperation with Black Box teater.
Co-pruducers: Dansens Hus (Oslo), Black Box teater (Oslo), BIT teateragarasjen (Bergen) and apap-Performing Europe 2020 - a project co-founded by Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.
Supported by: Kulturrådet (Arts Council Norway)