The Dance Artists House

Welcome to Dansens Hus’ page for dance artists. This is where you can read more about what we offer to anyone who is a professional dance artist, or on their way to becoming one. This is where you can find information about how you can be included in the programme, about co-productions and about professional refreshers like workshops and seminars. And not least, this is where you can read more about how dance artists can get great discounts on tickets.
Dansens Hus aims to be a centre for dance artists. This means that Dansens Hus is a place where dance art can be developed, where we support dance artists at different stages of their careers. We do this through co-productions, a range of development projects and a specialist programme of skills-improvement activities. We also work to boost touring and work opportunities nationally and internationally, through various networks and partnerships, such as the Ice Hot platform and Dansenett Norge.
Dansens Hus aims to be a place where dance artists and people who work with dance feel that they belong, a place where they feel inspired, and a place where they can find opportunities to develop. We never stop working on how we can evolve to become an even better partner for the field of dance. We would love to hear from you. Do you have any questions, tips or feedback for us? Send an e-mail to Artistic Director Samme Raeymaekers:
The main application deadlines
As all artists know, there are countless application deadlines to remember. Things are no different here (unfortunately). You can find the main ones here:
Inclusion on the programme
How is the programme at Dansens Hus put together? What does a co-production at Dansens Hus involve, and how do you go about applying for co-production? You can read more about this here.
Dansens Hus would love to receive inquiries for inclusion on its programme from Norwegian choreographers and choreographers living and working in Norway. These are reviewed jointly by Artistic Director Stine Nilsen and the Artistic Council, which is made up of selected Norwegian and international advisers who are experts in Norwegian and contemporary dance.
The Artistic Council meets twice a year, when it carefully reviews the applications received and then presents its recommendations, which the Artistic Director then uses when drawing up the artistic programme.
Application deadlines for the Artistic Council are synchronised with those of the Norwegian Cultural Fund and Audio and Visual Fund.
You can apply for:
- letter of intent for a production that is still in the pipeline, or which has applied for funding
- inclusion on the programme as a guest artist with a finished production
The Artistic Council is made up of:
Stine Nilsen, artistic director at Dansens Hus, dance artists Jens Jeffry Trinidad and Irene Vesterhus Theisen, performing arts curator, producer, dramaturge and coach Eva Martinez and performing artist Sebastian Tjørstad.
More information about the members of the council can be found HERE.
Due to the international nature of the Artistic Council, we kindly request that you submit your application in English.
You can find the application form here. New application deadline TBA.
Please attach the following to the completed form:
1. Project description – no more than one A4 page*
2. A short Curriculum Vitae of the choreographer.
A short biography of the participating dancers and artistic team must be entered directly into the application form (max. 5 sentences per person).
* If necessary, you may submit the project description as an oral presentation of no more than two minutes in Vimeo or YouTube format.
Applications which have been reviewed by this Artistic Council will not be reviewed again.
If you have any questions, please contact Saskia Wieringa:
We look forward to receiving your application!
Dates for rehearsals
Dansens Hus PRO
Dansens Hus PRO is a club for professionals in the field of dance. As a dance artist, you will get discounts on tickets and the latest information.
We want to give dance artists the opportunity to experience more of our varied programme, and to be a place where dance artists come together. As a member of Dansens Hus PRO, you will get discounts on tickets, direct information about workshops, discussions, meetings and other events in the field of dance. You will also get direct information about rehearsal space – i.e. dates that are available for you to use our stages for rehearsing, absolutely free.
Membership criteria
- DH Pro is for professionals in the field of dance: choreographers, performers, instructors and students who are studying dance at university/college level
- Dancers, choreographers and instructors who have completed an approved three-year course
- Dancers, choreographers and instructors who have been working as professionals in the field of dance for a minimum of three years
- International dancers, choreographers and instructors who have an engagement in Norway are entitled to membership for the duration of the engagement.
If you do not meet these criteria, but consider yourself to be a practising dance artist, it goes without saying that we will assess you for membership. Contact
Membership benefits
Membership is free and lasts for one year at a time (with automatic renewal)
- Members get any ticket for NOK 180 (Standard Scenekort discounted price is NOK 190/260/375)
- The discounted ticket is non-transferable, and cannot be used by someone else
- The price applies to ordinary productions in 2024 (not productions for babies)
- As a member, you will receive a customised newsletter with information about events of interest, such as seminars, workshops etc.
How can I become a member?
You can order membership HERE
Members get access to the discounted price by purchasing through Min Side.
This spring Dansekontoret at Dansens Hus will be open the foillowing dates:
17 March 11:00 – 15:30
11 April 11:00 – 15:30
27 May 11.00 - 15.30
Dansekontoret is an informal and nomadic office community, initiated by dance artists Anders Engebretsen and Caroline Skjørshammer, for everyone working with dance and performing arts in Oslo. The purpose is short and sweet: shared office hours!
At Dansekontoret you can come when you want, go when you want and work on what you want. For now, it's a fluid and informal pop-up format that pops up in different cafés/places on different days. In the long term, we hope that more people can become co-owners of the initiative and that it can become an environmentally supportive glimpse into an otherwise fragmented freelance life. Follow @dansekontoret on instagram for updates on time/place.
A warm welcome to everyone who wants to join us!
Rehearsal space
Do you need somewhere to rehearse? When we have free slots between productions, we make our rehearsal rooms available to dance artists.
Dansens Hus has two stages, the Main Stage and Studio Stage. These are very busy places, as we present between 40 and 45 productions a year. However, we do have some free slots between productions, and we make these days available to dance artists. Professional dance artists who are resident and active in Norway can have access to rehearsal spaces, with or without technical assistance. Dance artists who are already part of a co-production or are curated are given priority.
Essentially, you have two options
1. Rehearsal space (Main Stage or Studio Stage) with dance mats and access to simple sound system (no other access to technical systems or technical crew).
2. Rehearsal space (Main Stage or Studio Stage) with dance mats – where we can accommodate simple technical needs by agreement.
Send a brief project description, no longer than one A4 page, with the desired date and stage, as well as a short CV that is no longer than one A4 page. Send the documents in PDF format to Margrethe Rylander ( Next deadline TBA.
A random draw will be made from the applicants.
Specialist programme

Through a varied specialist programme consisting of workshops, seminars and other events, our aim is to provide professional refreshers and help dance artists improve their skills. You can read more about our specialist programme here, and see which future events you can participate in.
We offer an extensive programme of workshops, which tend to be with the artists associated with the productions we are presenting, and are usually for dance artists or students. The workshops are free, but generally require people to sign up in advance, and arrive already warmed up and wearing workout clothing. The workshops are an excellent opportunity to meet and work with top Norwegian and international artists.
Workshops,spring 2025
TILT Grow started up in 2018 and is a talent development programme organised jointly by Panta Rei Dance Theatre and Dansens Hus, funded by the Savings Bank Foundation DNB. The aim of the programme is to promote dance performance and make dance artists more viable in a constantly changing field. Participants in the programme will receive individual artistic development coaching from leading choreographers, support from mentors, and will take part in a series of customised seminars. An important part of TILT Grow is also to obtain in-depth knowledge on how to navigate the arena beyond the stage. Participants will gain experience through teaching, choreography work and project management.
Read more about this wonderful project HERE.
Dansens Hus is always working on a variety of development projects for dance art and dance artists. You can find some of the most important and extensive projects below.
The Choreography Laboratory
is a laboratory for dance and choreography development. It is where projects in various phases – concept phase, work-in-progress, intermediate stage between preliminary project and fully developed production – get the chance to be developed further and presented, with technical production assistance and dramaturgical guidance. The Choreography Laboratory closes with productions on the Studio Stage at Dansens Hus, where the dance artists present their work to the audience in a professional setting. The application deadline is once a year, usually in the autumn. A jury makes a selection on the basis of the applications and project descriptions submitted. The application deadline for 2024 has passed, and the application deadline for 2025 will be announced in autumn 2024.
GREAT art for young children
GREAT art for young children is a multi-year project which is designed to develop more dance productions for very young children. The project has been made possible with funding from the Savings Bank Foundation DNB, and has taken place in two phases since 2016. Through this project, Dansens Hus provides funding for the production and performance of productions for children aged between 0–6 years. So far, a total of six productions have been supported. All of them premièred at Dansens Hus, and have toured extensively since. We will start up a new three-year round of the project in 2024. Deadline TBA. Read more about the project HERE.
Ice Hot
Ice Hot is a Nordic platform which presents and promotes Nordic dance productions to representatives from theatres and festivals from all over the world. The background to the establishment of the platform was an ambition to present Nordic dance to an international market, and provide more opportunities for work, income and collaboration for Nordic dance artists. Ice Hot has been held every two years in the Nordic capital cities since 2010. The platforms are a collaboration between partner organisations in five Nordic countries: Dance Info Finland, Dansehallerne (Denmark), Dansens Hus Oslo (Norway), Dansens Hus Stockholm (Sweden) and Performing Arts Centre Iceland. The partners are either dance theatres or advocacy organisations for dance. The responsibility for organising the platform is shared by the partners on rotation.
The world of dance is global. If Norwegian dance productions are to reach a wider audience, they must tour in Norway and further afield. What does Dansens Hus do to boost touring opportunities, nationally and internationally?
Dansenett Norge
Dansenett Norge is a national touring network for dance. Every year, we take around eight productions on tour to performance venues all over Norway.
Dansenett Norge is a collaboration between Dansens Hus and four regional centres of expertise for dance. There are two annual application deadlines. Read more about Dansenett Norge and application deadlines HERE
Ice Hot
Ice Hot is a Nordic platform which presents and promotes Nordic dance productions to representatives from theatres and festivals from all over the world. The aim of the platform is to present Nordic dance to an international market, and provide more opportunities for work, income and collaboration for Nordic dance artists. The platforms are a collaboration between partner organisations in five Nordic countries: Dance Info Finland, Dansehallerne (Denmark), Dansens Hus Oslo (Norway), Dansens Hus Stockholm (Sweden) and Performing Arts Centre Iceland. Dansens Hus is responsible for arranging the platform in Oslo in 2024. Read more about ICE HOT HERE.
Aerowaves is a European network whose aim is to draw attention to young choreographers and their work, and facilitate exchanges. Every year, 20 productions are selected for European tours.
Dansens Hus is Norway’s partner in the network. We publish application deadlines, help to select productions and present selected productions on our stages. Read more about Aerowaves HERE See more at