Panta Rei Danseteater, 31. May - 01. June
Panta Rei Danseteater,
31. May - 01. June
Oslofjorden Danser - a new tradition.
Oslofjorden Danser is a series of roving performances alongside and around the Oslofjord, giving the audience the chance to experience contemporary dance in a new setting. Panta Rei Danseteater and Dansens Hus have been collaborating on this since 2021, and every year it has been a huge hit with audiences.
By giving a new setting to familiar places, the ambition is to make more people interested in dance art, and promote the amazing natural environment of the Oslofjord. The backbone of Oslofjorden Danser are the solo works performed by dancers in the TILT Grow talent programme, who were given the opportunity to work with local performers and professionals. Together, this gives us the opportunity to create unique and evocative experiences, far beyond the edge of the stage. The dancers develop their solos in collaboration with selected, influential choreographers.
Detailed programme and artists to be announced.
Background material
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- Co-creating dancers/choreographers
Ornilia Ubisse / Chriz Nypan
Johannes Gudbrandsen-Stavland / Harald Beharie
Marnie Josefine Fiebig / Dimitri Jourde
Carlisle Sienes / Aishwarya Raut
Anna Benedicte Andreasen / Hilde Sandvold
Elliot Norell Strinnö / Paul Blackman - Guide/actor
Victor Amel Olivares Pedersen
- Text
Tekst Evelyn Osaso
- Producer, idea and concept
Panta Rei Danseteater
- Photo
Neil Nesbit
Støttet av Sparebankstiftelsen DNB og Talent Norge