New Religion, 03. - 05. February 2023
New Religion,
03. - 05. February 2023
Free will, or artificial intelligence? Do people control technology, or does technology control us?
- Duration40 min
- Price290
- StageMain stage
Dates & times
- 03. February - 19:00
- 04. February - 17:00
- 05. February - 19:00
New Religion is a science fiction dance production in which artificial intelligence achieves a god-like authority over humans. Five dancers move around in a five-metre high labyrinth which continuously changes shape and dictates how much room their bodies have to move in. This is a chilling, dystopian production which pits the organic and the artificial against each other, where the dividing line between reality and fiction becomes unclear.
The labyrinth - or the stage design - is the Nevel installation by the Tromsø-based Belgian artist Lawrence Malstaf. After the production, the audience is invited to explore the installation on the stage themselves.
Background material
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New Religion - en since-fiction forestilling
Overtas menneskelig fiksjon av teknologi?
Podcast: Mathilde Caeyers
Når teknologien springer i fra oss.
Plukk og miks
Det er jammen ikke lett å være lommebok når vi slipper en sesong full av spennende ting. Men vi har en løsning på det; kjøper du billett til tre ulike forestillinger får du 30% rabatt.
- Concept and choreography
Mathilde Caeyers
- Scenography/Installation Nevel
Lawrence Malstaf
- Co-creating dancers
Eirik Dreyer Sellevoll
Marit Landfald Meløe
Stian Bergdølmo
Synne Maria Lundesgaard
Karianne Andreassen - Costumes
Line Maher
- light and video design
Torbjørn Sandnes
- Music
Alexander Aarøen Pedersen
- Programming
Einar Ottestad
- Photo
Marthe Thu
Supported by: Arts Festival of North Norway, Arts Council Norway, Fritt ord, Innovasjon Norge, Fond for utøvende kunstnere, Rådstua teaterhus, Fond for lyd og bilde.