Deeply Rooted, 04. - 07. June 2021
Deeply Rooted,
04. - 07. June 2021
What are we supposed to do?
- Price150 - 320
- StageStudio stage
Dates & times
- 04. June - 17:00
- 05. June - 14:00
- 05. June - 17:00
- 06. June - 14:00
- 06. June - 17:00
- 07. June - 17:00
Background material
Introduksjonsvideo: Deeply Rooted av Yaniv Cohen
Hvordan forstår vi lederskap?
Dyp sanselighet
Med forestillingen Deeply Rooted iscenesetter dansekunstner og koreograf Yaniv Cohen grunnleggende og rå instinkter.
Kunst i pandemi: Yaniv Cohen
Hvordan påvirker pandemien kunstnerne? For ett år siden sto Yaniv Cohen premiereklar med Deeply Rooted på Dansens Hus. Nå gjør vi et nytt forsøk.
- Concept and choreography
Yaniv Cohen
- Creating performers
Madeleine Fairminer
Charlott Madeleine Utzig - Composers and performers
Anders Vestergaard - Light Design
Martin Flack
- Sound Design
Terje Wessel Øverland
- Costume designer
Bregje Van Balen
- Head sculpture artists
Mona Strand
Gerd Brox - Photo
Yaniv Cohen
- Set design
Yaniv Cohen
- Producer
Margrethe Nandrup Rylander
Co-produced by Carte Blanche Norway
Supported by Arts Council Norway.