Workshop: Siri Jøntvedt x PRODA

Foto Tale Hendnes 81

In this workshop, I share my practice, developed in connection with the work of creating the performance Liquid Body. We explore themes such as listening, interpretation, timing and duration in relation to music.

Come and dance!

Greetings from Siri


Praktisk informasjon:
Sted: PRODA Profesjonell dansetrening – Marstrand gata 8. 0566 Oslo.
Dato: Torsdag 22.08.24
Tid: 10:00-12:00
For hvem: Profesjonelle dansekunstnere
Workshopen er gratis og åpen for brukere av PRODA. Følg linken over for mer informasjon.


Siri Jøntvedt is a dance artist based in Oslo and has since 1990 worked in the independent performing arts field as a dancer, choreographer and teacher, both in Norway and internationally. Together with Snelle Hall, she creates performances within Siri&Snelle.  She has performed on everything from large stages to small clubs, often in collaboration with musicians, and is particularly interested in the spontaneous moment, where the intuitive and the formal meet and where seriousness and humor merge. She trained at the Norwegian National Opera's Ballet School, KHiO, and Merce Cunningham Studio (New York). She has since specialized in release-based techniques and improvisation/composition.

Liquid Body, 20. - 21. September 2024