Tap Noir, 25. - 27. April
Tap Noir,
25. - 27. April
An enigmatic blend of tap dance, electronics and the supernatural – intense and borderline extreme.
- Price165 - 300
- StageStudio stage
Dates & times
On the stage is a dancer and three stroboscopic lights, connected by contact microphones and piezo pickups. All these elements combine to turn the room into an instrument, with the dance controlling light, sound and the resulting optical illusions.
It’s a sensory overload for the audience. Tap Noir is an experience in which the strobe light envelops the entire work and makes the dance seem like stop motion in a hard-to-imagine way. The production was inspired by film noir and Japanese horror films, and explores how tap dance works within this aesthetic.
Please note! Anyone who is sensitive to strobes should not watch this production.
Background material
Dansens Dager 2025
25. – 29. april arrangeres Dansens Dager over hele landet, og Dansens Hus er med.
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