Songs of Chaos, 17. - 20. October

Songs of Chaos,
17. - 20. October

About the ownership of land and landscapes.

  • Duration70 min
  • Price165 - 290
  • StageStudio stage

Dates & times

Songs of Chaos is a new collaborative project between choreographer Roza Moshtaghi and multimedia artist and visual artist Lykourgos Porfyris, resulting in a dance work that questions the landscape and ownership of land.

Songs of Chaos draws on one of Bertolt Brecht's most famous plays, The Caucasian Chalk Circle, which tells the story of a peasant girl who rescues an infant and raises him as her own. After the war, the boy's biological mother wants her son back. The question is: who has the legal rights to the child?

The Iranian-Norwegian choreographer Roza Moshtaghi, together with multimedia artist Lykourgos Porfyris, has been inspired by Brecht's perspective and has together created dance work that questions the landscape and ownership of land.

Moshtaghi continues to explore the human desire to adapt to systems and structures in society. The ordinary, or rather what we have forced into the ordinary, is the choreographer’s playing field.

Songs of Chaos consists of five songs, a performance in the theater space, and an installation animated through performative action in public space. Songs of Chaos goes far in its exploration of breaking with the audience's expectations, including the blind wise man (Porfyris) serving as the piece's narrator and guide. The choreographic material is created in close collaboration with Porfyris' vision, who was born with 10% sight.

- I sit in front of the TV, trying to imagine what a landscape looks like. Why is it so fascinating for people to look at nature or the city from the top of a mountain or building? Is it because of the horizon, or is it because the person feels superior to nature and/or other people? Who has access to all kinds of landscapes? Who has the time and resources to observe things from a higher position?

These are among the questions Songs of Chaos seeks to answer. The result is a highly topical dance piece that creates new mythologies and interpretations of common stories. 

Background material

  • Foto Tale Hendnes 2024 161

    Episk teater og #NewBrecht

    Det er lenge siden episk teater hadde sin storhetstid, men Roza Moshtaghi og Lykos Porfyris fortolker og dekonstruer Brechts rike arv i Songs of Chaos hvor det finnes et komisk, poetisk og politisk potensiale som får meg til å tenke at tiden er klar for en #NewBrecht. 

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    Plukk og miks

    Det er jammen ikke lett å være lommebok når vi slipper en sesong full av spennende ting. Men vi har en løsning på det; kjøper du billett til tre ulike forestillinger får du 30% rabatt.


  • Choreographer/Concept

    Roza Moshtaghi

  • Sound Artist/Concept

    Lykourgos Porfyris

  • Performers

    Trine Lise Moe
    Amie Mbye
    Oda Bjørholm

  • Costume Design

    Fredrik Floen

  • Light Design

    Thomas Bruvik

  • Scenography

    Carl Nilssen-Love

  • Producer

    Sunniva Fliflet

  • Documentation

    Josh Lake

  • Extras

    Tormod Tora Skår Midtbø, Chloe Munkelien, Janne Mikkelsen, Belén Sophie Urbye, Kristin Føyn Føyen, Hanna Våge Skjeggestad, Bertine Bertelsen Fadnes, Zahra Tahery.

  • Intern

    Bertine Bertelsen Fadnes

  • Thanks to

    Unge Viken Teater

  • Photo

    Tale Hendnes/ Dansens Hus

Supported by: Kulturrådet, Fond for utøvende kunstnere, Fond for lyd og bilde
Co-Produced by: Dansens Hus, DansIT, Koden teater

Accessibility: Step-free access, designated wheelchair spaces in the auditorium. Hosts are available for assistance. The performance is designed to provide a complete experience for people with visual impairments. 

  • Tilgjengelighetsmerket No Text original black
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