Øy, 10. - 13. September 2020
10. - 13. September 2020
The unknown people.
- Duration60 min
- Price155-320
- StageMain stage
Dates & times
- 10. September - 17:00
- 11. September - 17:00
- 12. September - 13:00
- 12. September - 17:00
- 13. September - 13:00
- 13. September - 17:00
Background material
En prat med koreograf og dansekunstner Ole Martin Meland
- Choreography
Ole Martin Meland
- Dancers
Guro Rimeslåtten
Irene Vesterhus Theisen
Mathias Stoltenberg
Timothy Bartlett
Dawid Lorenc
Anne Lise Rønne
Lin Van Kaam
Ole Martin Meland - Light design
Silje Grimstad
- Composers
Catharina Stoltenberg (Data, CDJs og vokal)
Henriette Motzfeldt (Data, CDJs, vokal og fiolin) - PR-photo
Tale Hendnes
Øy is a cooperation between Carte Blanche – Norway´s company for contemporary dance and Borealis – a festival for experimental music..
Produced by Carte Blanche.
Presented in cooperation with KODE.
The music by Smerz is a commision supported by Kulturrådet (Arts Council Norway)
A co-production with Borealis Festival.