Oslofjorden danser - Vandring på Oscarsborg, 25. June 2022
Oslofjorden danser - Vandring på Oscarsborg,
25. June 2022
Contemporary dance in new surroundings.
- Price70 - 110
- StageExternal
Dates & times
Oslofjorden danser (Dancing the Oslo Fjord) turns the Oslo Fjord into a stage, through a series of dance promenades. Like last year, the première this year is at Oscarsborg. Seven young professional dancers from the TILT Grow talent programme each present their own solo, which they have created in partnership with a stellar team of Norwegian and international choreographers: Mohamed Toukabri, Hege Haagenrud, Marc Brew, Ingrid Berger Myhre, Daniel Proietto, Isabel Vila and Zezé Kolstad.
- Producer, idea and concept
Panta Rei Danseteater
- Choreographers
Mohamed Toukabri
Isabel Vila
Hege Haagenrud
Marc Brew
Ingrid Berger Myhre
Daniel Proietto
Zezé Kolstad - Set designer and direction advisor
Liam Monzer Alzafari
- Partcipating performers
Laura Perrot
Ian Ancheta
Maren Grønstad
Vilja Kwasny
Sofia Farrah
Gard Hjertaas Bjørnson
Clarice Ekperedinma Okeke - Teknisk tilrettelegging og lydteknikk
Peter Albers
- Lyssetting
Nemanja Čađo
- DJ
Takezo Project
- Tekst
Linn Skoglund
- Publikumsansvarlig
Thea Kogstad
KulturIntro - Verter
Victor A. O. Pedersen
Emilie Karlsen
Malene Juliussen Olsen
Martine Bentsen
Kulturintro - Andre medvirkende
Frogn Kulturskole
Pippip Ferner & Guerilla Plastic Movements Creative Studio - Photo
Tale Hendnes/Dansens Hus
Supported by Sparebankstiftelsen DNB, Talent Norge and Oslo kommune (ReStart Oslo).
Thnanks to Dansens Hus, Den Norske Opera & Ballett andForsvarsbygg for godt samarbeid.