Library of gestures, 11. - 14. April 2024

Library of gestures,
11. - 14. April 2024

A large, 20-person movement choir, poetry, flute and percussion.

  • Duration55 min
  • Price360
  • StageMain stage

Dates & times

Library of gestures consists of a movement choir with no less than 20 dancers, one flutist and one percussionist. The performance is built up of three layers: a mathematically structured movement layer of gestures, as well as live music and text. The text is essayistic and poetic, with historical references that revolve around human loneliness, hope and confusion.

The idea behind the performance is the multiplication of the solitary. The dancers perform a rhythmic composition of movement that creates unexpected connections between them, and between the movement, the music and the text. The performers make the same gestures, giving them their own character.

The 20 dancers have a wide range of experience and charisma. The music is developed by renowned musicians Jennifer Torrence and Bjørnar Habbestad. The audience is given a sensory experience that allows for contemplative reflection.

Background material


    Plukk og miks

    Det er jammen ikke lett å være lommebok når vi slipper en sesong full av spennende ting. Men vi har en løsning på det; kjøper du billett til tre ulike forestillinger får du 30% rabatt.

  • Foto Tale Hendnes 2023 91

    Gestene våre - tankenes kroppsspråk

    «Så fant jeg to bøker fra 1800-tallet som hadde tatt for seg å katalogisere menneskelige gester. For en utrolig merkelig ting å tenke at man kan få til det, det må jeg finne ut mer av.» Koreograf Janne-Camilla Lyster forteller om bakgrunnen for forestillingen «Library of Gestures» som har premiere 11. april.


  • Choreographer

    Janne-Camilla Lyster

  • Performers

    Anne-Linn Akselsen, Lisa Colette Bysheim, Even Eileraas, Ingrid Haakstad, Torunn Helene Robstad, Orfee Schuijt, Terje Tjøme Mossige, Sudesh Adhana, Edith Askeland, Mette Edvardsen, Synne Erichsen, Ilse Ghekiere, Gry Kipperberg, Emilie Marie Karlsen, Putli Hellesen, Pia Elton, Ingunn Rimestad, Sindre Sten Vik, Ole Kristian Tangen, Line Tørmoen

  • Music

    Bjørnar Habbestad
    Jennifer Torrence

  • Text

    Janne-Camilla Lyster, with quotes from the article Talk to the Hand by Brian Dillon

  • Costumes

    Ida Falck Øien

  • Outer eye

    Eva-Cecilie Richardsen

  • Lighting design

    Martin Myrvold

  • Sound

    Terje Øverland Wessel

Supported by: Norsk Kulturråd, Fond for lyd og bilde, Fond for utøvende kunstnere og Dramatikkens Hus.
o-production: Dansens Hus