KNØ, 26. August - 03. September 2023

26. August - 03. September 2023

KNØ is an alliance consisting of 6 dancers and 3 large canvas paintings that meet in a collective body work.

KNØ is based on an idea that people's ways of existing in the world are primarily maintained by doing activities such as collecting, carrying, keeping, and sharing. We go to work physically with an interest in touching and exploring many different desires that can develop through this. With backs and knees that can withstand different loads, we pull and pull, fold and fold, carry and are carried in and out of rhythm.

- (...)To bear and not to own;
To act and not lay claim;
To do the work and let it go:
For just letting go
Is what makes it stay.

Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

The performance will be presented at Gamle Munch, the former Munch museum at Tøyen in Oslo.
will be performed on Saturday August 26th, Sunday August 27th, Saturday September 2nd and Sunday September 3rd - every day at 18.00.

Background material


    Plukk og miks

    Det er jammen ikke lett å være lommebok når vi slipper en sesong full av spennende ting. Men vi har en løsning på det; kjøper du billett til tre ulike forestillinger får du 30% rabatt.


  • Konsept and choreography

    Ingeleiv Berstad
    Pernille Holden

  • Co-creating performers

    Terje Tjøme Mossige
    Rina Rosenqvist
    Mathias Aas Stoltenberg
    Jens Jeffry Trinidad

  • Concept, costumes and scenography

    Signe Becker

  • Composer

    Stine Janvin

  • Sound design

    Christian Obermayer

  • Paintings by

    Toril Skipnes
    Anita Gundersen
    Camilla Lilleengen
    Frode Holgersen

  • Dramaturg

    Melanie Fieldseth

  • Photo

    Alette Rørvik
    Tale Hendnes/Dansens Hus

  • Producer

    Eva Grainger

  • Production assistant

    Sunniva Fliflet

Produced by: Bananaz – forening for Scenekunst
Supported by: Norsk Kulturråd, Fond for Utøvende Kunstnere oand Dansens Hus Oslo.