kinShips, 02. - 12. December 2021
02. - 12. December 2021
Production for children age 0–2 and adults.
- Duration30 min
- Price100-150
- StageStudio stage
Dates & times
- 02. December - 09:30 (Sold out)
- 02. December - 11:00 (Sold out)
- 02. December - 12:30 (Sold out)
- 03. December - 09:30 (Sold out)
- 03. December - 11:00 (Sold out)
- 03. December - 12:30 (Sold out)
- 04. December - 09:30 (Sold out)
- 04. December - 11:00 (Sold out)
- 04. December - 12:30 (Sold out)
- 05. December - 09:30 (Sold out)
- 05. December - 11:00 (Sold out)
- 05. December - 12:30 (Sold out)
- 10. December - 09:30 (Sold out)
- 10. December - 11:00 (Sold out)
- 10. December - 12:30
- 11. December - 09:30 (Sold out)
- 11. December - 11:00
- 11. December - 12:30
- 12. December - 09:30
- 12. December - 11:00 (Sold out)
- 12. December - 12:30 (Sold out)
KinShip is an act of social exchange. Sharing germs is a natural and crucial aspect of performing love: kissing, sharing foods, being born, conception, changing nappies, wiping snotty noses, cuddling. As a new human in the world the exchange of dirty fluids is not unclean but essential. It is an inherent part of the life-dependent exchange of love, just necessary as food and drink for the growth and development of a new human being. KinShips explores the microscopic parts of our skin, and by doing so, lets the audience experience the invisible connections making up the universe that carry us.
- Direction and og co-choreography
Ellen Jerstad
- Choreography
Roza Moshtaghi
- Performers
Ida Haugen
Caisa Strømmen Røstad
Janne Hillestad Mikkelsen - Music
Torstein Lavik Larsen
Magnus Nergaard
Heida Karine Johannesdottir
Anja Lauvdal - Scenography
Baum & Leahy
Annike Flo - Costumes and Props Assistant
Zofia Jakubiec
- Scenografi og kostymeproduksjon
Annike Flo
Hroar Hesselberg
Anette Cecilie Danielsen
Fie von Veer
Lærke Bang Barfod - Lysdesign
Martin Myrvold
- Sminke
Elise Ommundsen Granli
- Interns
Silje Joner
- Produsent
Inger-Marie Lupton
- Foto
Samira Shaterian
Josh Lake