Kaleidoscope, 24. November - 03. December 2023

24. November - 03. December 2023

Kaleidoscope is an equal inclusion dance performance for all children aged 0 to 3 and their families.

  • Duration40 min
  • Price180
  • StageStudio stage

Dates & times

  • 24. November - 10:00
  • 24. November - 12:00
  • 25. November - 13:00
  • 25. November - 15:00
  • 26. November - 13:00
  • 26. November - 15:00
  • 30. November - 10:00
  • 30. November - 12:00
  • 01. December - 10:00
  • 01. December - 12:00
  • 02. December - 13:00
  • 02. December - 15:00
  • 03. December - 13:00
  • 03. December - 15:00 (Sold out)

The audience is invited to enter a vivid landscape of texture, light, color and sound, and join the performers for a multi-sensorial experience. In a synesthetic environment in which the senses merge, and with the theme of togetherness, we will take an imaginative trip through colors, movement, sounds, our sense of touch and different landscapes, accompanied by live music and vocals.

We welcome the audience to participate in the joy of music and dance. The piece will provide a multitude of sensory experiences as we integrate song and a range of dynamic moves in a supportive and inclusive community setting.

The performance is neurodiversity -informed, complex needs friendly and accessible to all. By creating a shared experience for the different communities, we provide a stage that can be transformative, fun and a new meeting point for friendships to be made.

In a space where neurodiversity is considered; a sensory friendly, judgment free space, the lights will be dimmed but will remain on throughout the performance and with sensory friendly sound, the audience will have freedom to talk and walk about with no restrictions around noise or movement. The audience can feel and discover the environment freely, or find a comfy place to sit.

Background material


  • Choregraphy

    Shi Pratt

  • Dance

    Elisabeth Christine Holth
    Vilja Tjemsland Kwasny
    Runa Sætervoll

  • Music

    Andreas Mjøs
    Øystein Moen

  • Costume design and scenography

    Peny Spanou

  • Light design

    Eirik Lie Hegre

  • Illustration

    Arnold Starr

This production is co-produced by Dansenshus and is part of STOR kunst for små barn, supported by The Savings Bank Foundation DNB.
Supported by Kulturrådet, Komponistenes Vederlagsfond, Fond for Lyd og Bilde.

  • Tilgjengelighetsmerket No Text original black
  • Sbs logo positive
  • Skjermbilde 2023 08 31 kl 10 24 48