Exploded view, 14. - 17. December 2023

Exploded view,
14. - 17. December 2023

  • Duration60 min
  • Price165 - 290
  • StageStudio stage

Dates & times

Exploded view is a dance performance and an open choreographic machinery. In a symbiosis of text and movement, linguistic hierarchies and different meanings are put to the test. With the conventions of the stage space and the expectations of the moment of the performance as a contextual starting point, a new performance is created by and with the same artistic team behind the performance Alt nå, from 2019.

Background material


    Plukk og miks

    Det er jammen ikke lett å være lommebok når vi slipper en sesong full av spennende ting. Men vi har en løsning på det; kjøper du billett til tre ulike forestillinger får du 30% rabatt.


  • Choregrapher

    Eivind Seljeseth

  • Dancers

    Ingrid Haakstad
    Orfee Schuijt
    Mathias Stoltenberg
    Oda Bjørholm

  • Music

    Kim Myhr

  • Dramaturgical advisor

    André Eiermann

  • Sound designer

    Erik Hedin

  • Lighting designer

    Martin Myrvold

  • Foto

    Tale Hendnes/Dansens Hus

Supported by: Norsk kulturråd, Scenekunst sør and Fond for utøvende kunstnere.
Co-producers: Dansens Hus, Oslo, DansiT Choregraphic Centerk, Tondheim.