Dølge, 18. - 26. March 2022

18. - 26. March 2022

Welcome to the dance piece dølge in Teatersalen, at Nynorskens Hus!

  • Duration60 min
  • Price165 - 280
  • StageExternal

Dates & times

  • 18. March - 19:00
  • 19. March - 19:00
  • 25. March - 19:00
  • 26. March - 19:00

dølge combines dance, sound, and scenography in pursuit of states that lie beyond ‘the natural’. The performance draws upon folk practices, romanticism and stage magic in order to invoke the supersensible, what is esoteric, or otherwise ‘hidden’. Conspiring with the historically charged space of Nynorskens Hus (Bøndenes Hus), the work listens to its concealed resonances and echoes them in movement, sound and staging. The performance is in turn haunted by ideas and emotions gleaned from the writings of Ragnhild Jølsen (1875–1908). Techniques of extending and contorting the body and methods for enchanting the environment aim to entice the viewer to step out of their critical modern mindset, to momentarily disappear from the stage of the everyday.

dølge takes place in Nynorskens Hus, Teatersalen in Rosenkrantz’ gate 8, Oslo.


  • Dance

    Magdalene Solli
    Synne Elve Enoksen

  • Scenography

    Kjersti Alm Eriksen

  • Sound

    Simon Daniel Tegnander Wenzel

  • Text

    Nikhil Vettukattil

  • Production assistant

    Rina Rosenqvist

  • Photo

    August Fabritius Sanengen
    Stephen Hutton
    Tale Hendnes/Dansens Hus

  • Trailer

    Achy Ouafik/Dansens Hus

Supported by Norsk Kulturråd and Fond for utøvende kunstnere.
Co-produced by Dansens Hus Oslo
Thanks to Montebøllo, Nynorskens Hus, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo, Torunn Helene Robstad, Ingri Fiksdal, Bojana Cvejic, Aksel Octavius Norreen Hauklien, Inger Johanne Byhring, August Fabritius Sanengen og Eyolf Dokka Befring.