Urban Barn Foto Tale Hendnes 6

hunger 4 battle

Dance competition, 23. February 2018

Dance competition,
23. February 2018

Hunger 4 Battle is a charity event and dance competition. It will celebrate its 10th birthday in 2018!

  • Duration180 min
  • Price50
  • StageMain stage

Dates & times

  • 23. February - 16:30

In 2011, FloorknightsCrew held the first Hunger 4 Battle competition, with the assistance of the DNB Savings Bank Foundation and X-Ray Youth Culture House.

Hunger 4 Battle is a charity event and dance competition with a focus on developing children and young people within three main dance genres:

breaking, hip-hop and dancehall. The entrance fee goes toward projects which help children and young people in need.

Every penny of the NOK 50 entrance fee goes to charitable causes through the K.I.D.S. foundation.

You can register for the competition at the door, on the actual day.


- breaking

- hiphop

- dancehall

This is a joint project with X-Ray Culture House.