2020 12 16 0004 2 jaune Stor

Fabulation, 09. - 12. February 2023

09. - 12. February 2023

Fabulation is a duo performance created and performed by choreographers Bára Sigfúsdóttir (IS/NO) and Orfee Schuijt (FR/NO). It is also created in collaboration with scenographer Kjersti Alm Eriksen, composers/musicians Eivind Lønning and Kim Myhr, and light designer Martin Myrvold.

The two performers follow physically fantastic speculative pathways. Down and up through magic wormholes, from one dancer to the other, ideas and affects are passed on and on, bouncing furthermore into the room. The dancers absorb each other’s bodies just like insects would merge with and imitate their environment, losing themselves in their quest of becoming other. Their journey weaves a common world, full of ornaments and eccentricity, like a techno-organic storytelling with plenty of explicit musicality. As insects imitate leaves and branches, in Fabulation a dancer imitates another dancer. We might see it as a symmetrical ritual, a camouflage dance or a mirroring game; like a dance of a dance.
The performance balances between fiction and the real. What is my body made of? Is what I feel through my skin real? The dancers put into question the materiality of things and gladly explore and tell stories of somatic fiction.

Background material

  • Foto Tale Hendnes 2022 14

    Mimesis & science fiction

    I forestillingen Fabulation spør dansekunstnerne Bára Sigfúsdóttir og Orfee Schuijt blant annet om dansen kan fungere som et science fiction-medium.


    Plukk og miks

    Det er jammen ikke lett å være lommebok når vi slipper en sesong full av spennende ting. Men vi har en løsning på det; kjøper du billett til tre ulike forestillinger får du 30% rabatt.


  • Choreography

    Bára Sigfúsdóttir
    Orfee Schuijt

  • Dance

    Bára Sigfúsdóttir
    Orfee Schuijt

  • Scenography and costume design

    Kjersti Alm Eriksen

  • Music and sound design

    Eivind Lønning
    Kim Myhr

  • Lighting design

    Martin Myrvold

  • Outside eye

    Janne-Camilla Lyster
    Mette Edvardsen
    Siri Jøntvedt

Co-produced by Dansens Hus Oslo, Rosendal Teater, BIT-Teatergarasjen.
Supported by Norsk Kulturråd, Det Norske komponistfond.