Workshop: Sudesh Adhana x PRODA

The class will consist of a warm up and then exploring together some very concrete situations which we might know through movies from before, and then explore them in physical ways and open a landscape for the movements.
We will explore the movements of the scared body as well as the scary body, and how the body movements in horror films are a key aspect of the feeling audiences get through the screen. We will look into how the details of gesture and posture are key aspects of creating and transmitting a certain tension, and perhaps even a jump scare. The placement of the body in a psychological landscape of horror, going from the concrete to abstraction to materialize the immaterial emotion of fear through dreamlogic.
These were a few of the approaches we used while creating "Liminaria", which we would
like to explore in this workshop.
Location: PRODA Profesjonell dansetrening – Marstrand gata 8. 0566 Oslo.
Date: 22.05.25
Time: 10:00-12:00
For: Professional dance artists
The workshop is free
Sudesh Adhana was born in Faridabad, India and moved to Norway in 2006. He is educated at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts and has a BA in Contemporary Dance. In addition to his BA, he has studied the dance forms Mayurbhanj Chhau and Kathakali, at Shri Ram Bharatiya Kala Kendra,
and the International Kathakali Centre, both in New Delhi. Today, Sudesh works nationally and internationally both as a dancer and choreographer, based in Oslo. As a dancer, he has co-created a number of productions, including for companies/choreographers such as Zero Visibility Corp, Frikar, Dreamscreen Productions/Kristina Gjems and Sølvi Edvardsen. In 2007 Sudesh established the company Xproarts, where he is artistic director and has choreographed several full-length performances. Sudesh has received numerous awards and honours for his work both as a choreographer and dancer, including a National Film Award for best choreography for the song ‘Bismil’ in the film Haider in 2014 as well as a number of other nominations for both NFA and Screen Awards, and the Ustaad Bismilah Khan Youth Award from the Ministry of Culture in India for his work in contemporary dance in 2018. He recently received the Rolf Gammeleng Award. Sudesh has been employed by SKUDA since 2018, was an Ambassador for Dansens dager 2016 and has previously had a working grant from the Arts Council of Norway.