Panel: Minimalism in creative processes

Choreographer Catherine Gaudet uses structure and exhaustion in the performance All the Pretty Things. Together with the Ultima Festival, we are organizing a panel discussion on minimalism in creation and creative thinking.

In the talk, we have put together a bouquet of musicians and dance artists who work with structure, repetition and exhaustion as a methodology in their artistic practice. Together, the panel will talk about how they use minimalism as a creative tool in their projects.

The conversation will be led by contemporary cellist, musicologist and composer Tanja Orning. The panel includes choreographers and dance artists Roza Moshtaghi and Inés Belli, and composer and musician Jan Martin Smørdal.

Date: Friday 20.09.24
Time: 20:10-21:00
Language: Norwegian

Roza Moshtagi and Inés Belli are both presenting new performances at Dansens Hus this fall.
Read more about Roza Moshtaghi's Songs of Chaos, which she creates together with Lykourgos Porfyris HERE
Read more about Inés Belli's Epic Desire, Monumental Longing HERE

The Pretty Things, 20. - 22. September