Lunch & (dance) lecture

Lunch & (dance) lecture, a lunchtime meeting point for everyone who wants to refresh their knowledge of dance - and eat lunch!

The stage should be a space where anything is possible. If not everyone has access to this space, doesn't performing arts lose much of its potential and value?

Stine Nilsen, artistic director at Dansens Hus, will talk about dance  created and performed by artists with disabilities. Nilsen will show video material and talk about how she sees that certain artists can expand the understanding of both dance and performing arts concepts by opposing obsolete truths related to the body, function and accessibility.



Date: Thursday 13 February
Time: 11:00-12:30
Venue: Foyer at Dansens Hus



Dansefaglig lunsj / Lunch & (dance) lecture is organised twice a season and is open to anyone interested in dance and performing arts. The event will facilitate a professional meeting point and a common platform for reflection, thinking and conversations.

Both participation and lunch is free of charge, but registration is required.