Funny Face (1957)
Stanley Donen's classic musical is a study of what it means to be a follower, as it twists and reflects on the fashion media, the fashion industry and philosophy.

Funny Face subverts common assumptions about realities and appearances, inverting the traditional hierarchy between philosophy and fashion, while mocking them both. This brilliant musical portrays how an American fashion photographer (Fred Astaire) and a leading fashion editor, both inspired by actual people, transform a bookworm (Audrey Hepburn) into the most successful fashion model by taking her to Paris. Costumed by Hubert de Givenchy and Edith Head, this musical takes a deep dive into fashion media and the transatlantic fashion trade.
USA (1957), Director Stanley Danon, Duration 1h 47mins,
A panel discussion about dance and Hollywood will happen at h18:00.
Read more about the discussion here

Pamela Hutchinson, "Funny Face: a film in love with fashion", The Guardian (2014)